martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Biografia de Ella.

Biografia de Ella (English):

Let's start by saying a few things about me...I am a normal girl, with goods and bads. I was born and raised in Bucharest. I studied at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies and majored in communication and mass media; nevertheless, my passion is music. I began early; I think I was about six years old. I was a huge fan of Michael Jackson... I used to sing all his songs and dance my heart out trying to copy his awesome moves and dance routines. I was performing regular shows in front of my family; they were very amused until I scared them all by fainting in front of the TV while watching a live Michael Jackson show. I think that was the point when I realized my passion for Michael was a bit out of control and I decided to take it easy.

My little escapades into the artistic world turned fast into a serious thing, also around 6, when my mother took me to Children's Palace and, because I couldn't decide what I wanted to do the most, she enrolled me into music, ballet and foreign languages. Through the music club at the Children's Palace I got into the Alegretto choir and after some time, I was proud to be the lead singer and even travel abroad for concerts. We went to Bulgaria, Czech Republic, what can I say, we were little international superstars. I remember I was so happy about it mostly because I was getting a different dress than the other girls in the choir .Those were very nice moments of my life and I remember them fondly, as I do remember my teacher, who helped me build my skills and gain confidence in my talent.

Later in life I went through a period of inner searching, I wanted to know where to go from a musically point of view, because at some point I already decided that this was what I wanted to do. Music. So I started training seriously for this. For me, the big break came with the first talent shows to be organized in Romania. To start from the beginning, in 2002 I got selected in Popstars, the first talent show ever to be organized by a big TV network in Romania, the goal being to select the next big band. I didn't win but I accumulated a lot of experience and most of all I got some very good friends. One year later, in 2003, I was selected for Star Factory, a talent show that was similar to Big Brother (we were locked in a house and under 24/7 camera scrutiny), but also resembled Survivor since we only got minimal food and drinks and we had to win special tests in order to get some more. There was also a musical side of the show, since the goal was to discover a band and also a solo artist. Unlike Popstars, in this one I won, along with two other girls and we went to form a band called Karma.

Of course, Star Factory didn't meant just joy, happiness and fluffy pink clouds, it meant a lot of hard moments, when I wanted to give up and leave the house, when I started to have doubts about myself and if I was good enough for what I wanted to become. I got lucky with a friend among the other competitors who told me that I was playing exactly how the producers wanted me to, so I understood that there were a lot of pressures in there but most of all it was a psychological game.I learned a lot about myself in there. So...I took the decision of being as good as I can in what I do and thank God at the end I was between the winners. The years after winning Star Factory meant more searches, this time for the ideal musical formula, but now I feel that I took a first step in the right direction. After Surrender, I hope that the next singles will be received as good as possible. So, for me, the plans for the next months are simple: work, work, work.

I hope that when the album will hit the market, when my fans will get my music and listen to it, they will understand that everything I do, I do it for them, but equally for me, in the sense that I will never compromise for a quick success, I will never lower my standards, not even an inch, just to make it quickly to the top. I want to make things right and I hope everyone around me will feel my intentions and my determination. I am Ella and I am here for the long run!

Enlaces Youtube de los mas Grandes Exitos de Ella.

Ella - I Surrender (2010) :

Ella - Need Your Love (2010) :

Para Contrataciones y mas Informacion, contactar con Francisco.

Skype: soriaeventos

Facebook: Reggaeton, Dance Pop y R&B.

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